Custom-made Online Courses and Seminars

Committed to working with our partners and members to organize a variety of seminars and courses, both online and offline, to facilitate business development and provide clients with a comprehensive understanding of financial concepts, investment fundamentals and global economic conditions. We offer a wide range of seminars and courses on investment and finance, overseas real estate, immigration, etc. to give you a comprehensive understanding of your asset allocation needs.

Course Categories

1. Investment advantages in different countries

2. Economic data

3.Property descriptions

4.Information on investment

1.Analysis of Hong Kong real estate trends

2.Analysis of the real estate situation in different parts of Hong Kong

3.Tips on investing in real estate

4.Analysis of the real estate situation in Southeast Asia

1. How do I learn to invest?

2.What should I prepare before investing?

3.The biggest factors affecting the success or failure of investment

4.How can a newcomer choose what to invest in?

5.How to choose what investment methods for newcomers?

1. Global economic slowdown factors

2.The US economic and political situation

3.Global monetary policy shift

4.The good and the bad from the trade war

5.The impact of political instability on the economy


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